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In the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”), it is regulated that personal data owners (“Relevant Person”), defined as the relevant person, can exercise the rights granted in Article 11 of the Law regarding their personal data and must apply to the Data Controller to exercise these rights.

In accordance with the first paragraph of Article 13 of the Law; Applications to be made to ANOD TEKNOLOJİ A.Ş. in the capacity of the Data Controller regarding these rights must be submitted to us in writing, via e-mail over the internet or through other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”).


In this context, you can submit your applications to our center;

By personally presenting a signed copy of this Application Form, which has been fully completed together with a document that will provide identification, to the address “BATI SİTESİ MAH. 2306 CAD. SHEMED BLOK NO: 75 YENİMAHALLE / ANKARA,
By presenting a signed copy of this Application Form, which has been fully completed together with a document that will provide identification, to the address “BATI SİTESİ MAH. 2306 CAD. By sending it to the address “SHEMED BLOK NO: 75 YENİMAHALLE / ANKARA” via a notary,
By signing this Application Form with the “secure electronic signature” defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070 and sending it to “info@anod.com.tr”,
In addition, by filling out and signing this application form, scanning the wet-signed form and uploading it to the computer, by sending an e-mail to “info@anod.com.tr” (if this method is preferred, a document that will provide identification must also be attached to the e-mail),
you can forward it to us.

According to the second paragraph of Article 13 of the Law, your applications sent to us will be answered “as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest” from the date your request reaches us, depending on the nature of the request. As a rule, requests are met free of charge, however, if fulfilling the request requires expenses, “Regarding the Procedures and Principles for Application to the Data Controller” According to the provision in Article 7 of the Communiqué; “If the application of the relevant person is to be answered in writing, no fee will be charged for up to 10 pages. A 1 TL processing fee may be charged for each page over 10 pages. If the answer to the application is given on a recording medium such as CD or flash memory, the fee that may be requested by the data controller cannot exceed the cost of the recording medium.” Our center may charge a fee.

This form and the information and documents requested from you must be provided to us completely and accurately according to the nature of your request. If the requested information and documents are not provided as required, there may be problems in the complete and qualified conduct of the research to be conducted by our center based on your request. In this case, our center declares that it reserves its legal rights. Therefore, the relevant form must be sent completely and containing the requested information and documents according to the nature of your request.


The following information must be provided so that we can identify the “applicant” regarding your application and conduct the necessary research within our center according to the nature of your request. In addition, the contact information specified below is requested in order to obtain more detailed information from you regarding your application, to inform you about our review processes, to communicate the results of your application to you, to prevent third-party applications that may mislead us by using your name, to separate applications of people with the same first and last names, and to avoid confusion in the data.

Name Surname :

TR Identity Number :

E-mail :

E-mail :

(Fill in if you request the answer via e-mail)

Address :

(Fill in if you request the answer to be sent to your address)

Mobile Phone :

In order to ensure the security of your personal data, our center may contact you within the application period from the date your application for information reaches our center in order to confirm that you are the relevant person.

If the requested information and documents are missing, the information and documents will need to be completed and sent to us upon our request. If the application cannot be processed due to the information and documents not being fully delivered to us, an answer explaining this situation will be given within the specified thirty (30) days.

Please indicate your relationship with our Center. (Client, former client, Student, employee, candidate employee, former employee, third party company employee, etc.)

☐ Former Employee

Years of Service: ………………

☐ Other: ………………………………………………

I Have Made a Job Application / CV Sharing
Date: ………

I Am a Third Party Company Employee
Please indicate the company and position information you work for


☐ Employee

☐ Other: …………………..

The Unit/Person you met with within our institution: ………………….……………………………. 


Please select the method by which we will notify you of our response to your application:

I want it to be sent to my address.
I want it to be sent to my e-mail or KEP address.
I want to receive it by hand.
(If received by proxy, a notarized power of attorney or authorization document is required.)



Subject of Request

Your Choice


I want to know whether your center processes personal data about me. Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (a)


If your center processes personal data about me, I request information about these data processing activities.

Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (b)


If your center processes personal data about me, I want to know the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with the purpose of processing.

Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (c)


If my personal data is transferred to third parties at home or abroad, I want to know these third parties.

Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (ç)


I think my personal data is processed incompletely or incorrectly and I want them to be corrected.

Write the personal data you want to be corrected in the "Your Choice" field and send documents showing correct and complementary information as attachments. (Photocopy of identity card, residence, etc.) Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (d)

Data to be corrected;


Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the law and other relevant legal provisions, I believe that the reasons requiring processing have been eliminated and within this framework, my personal data;

a) I request its deletion.

b) I request its anonymization. c) I request its destruction.

Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (e )

Only one option can be marked.





I request that my personal data (Request No. 5), which I believe to be incomplete and incorrectly processed, be corrected by the third parties to whom it was transferred. Write the personal data you want to be corrected in the "Your Choice" field and send the documents showing the correct and complementary information as attachments. (Photocopy of identity card, residence, etc.)

Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (f)

Data to be corrected;


I request that the procedures regarding destruction or correction be notified to the 3rd parties to whom my data is transferred.

Personal Data Protection Law Article 11/1 (f)


I believe that my personal data processed by our center are analyzed exclusively through automatic systems and that a result has emerged against me as a result of this analysis. I object to this result.

Write the analysis result that you think is against you in the "Your Choice" field and send the documents supporting your objection as attachments.

Personal Data Protection Law Art. 11/1 (g)

Data Resulting from Analysis and the result that occurred against me;


I suffered damage due to the unlawful processing of my personal data. I request compensation for this damage.

Write the matter that is the subject of the unlawful violation in the "Your Choice" field and send supporting documents as an attachment. (Court decision, Board decision, documents showing the amount of material damage, etc.) Personal Data Protection Law Art. 11/1 (h)

Matter Subject to Unlawful Violation;

Please explain your request within the scope of the Law in detail: (If the table above is insufficient to explain your request, please fill in this section as well)


I request that my application be evaluated within the scope of the information and requests I have provided above and that a response be given to me through the method I have chosen.

Date :

Signature :